It has, however, for the past few years faced a deadly enemy: wisteria.
The wistera monster that we have in our back yard has always been a voracious plant. As you can see by the link, they can grow as high as 20m. I doubt this is 20m, but...
It is stretching vines out along the ground in an attempt to start making its way up our maple tree, too. Also, there is a very young oak sapling that unluckily happened to start growing but a few feet from the base of the wisteria and now the poor thing has very little hope for survival.
But, on the plus side, the butter cups are starting to come out.
Aren't they great? My mom and I love them and have to fight with my dad every summer not to mow them down. There's a patch in the lower half of the yard (rather near the wisteria, actually) that gets covered in butter cups every year. They're so sunny and happy. And absolutely full of pollen.
Well, that's my contribution to the garden/yard-flower/plant blog posts. I'll post more about my new job when my manager actually lets me do something for once, rather than just tag along after another server and watch what they do like some demented stalker.
Fun times.
The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness
-John Muir
Wisteria and buttercups. Lovely - even if the wisteria is a little out of control!
Soon we will overcome and take out that wisteria. Ha.We will win and it will die. And maybe, just maybe, the poor birch tree will survive.
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