
No blue fingers for me yet, but the tips of my needles are starting to turn. Of course, this is because they're bamboo. I wonder if I might have to get rid of them when this project is done? If the dye doesn't wash off of them, I'm afraid that they might stain any light-colored yarn I could use them with later. Maybe I should just stop being paranoid. Ah well.

Le beret is going swimmingly, despite the lack of time I have spent on it. I've overcome my increase ever stitch hurdle (thanks, Meg!) and so it's going a bit easier. Knitting through the front loop feels very strange, though, as I learned to go through the back. Oh well. Time for some progress shots!

This yarn is so hard to take a good picture of because it's all the same, dark color. It also doesn't help that my hands shake abiminably. It's Rowan brand "denim" which "shrinks in length & fades just like denim" which I think is very cool. It's entirely cotton and not spun very tightly, so it unravels itself on the needles as I knit with it. It's a beautiful dark, dark blue. I'd have to say something about this color, maybe a bit darker. I'm not sure how well you can see that, because of the background color of my blog. It's so dark as to almost be black. There's a lot of purple in it, too, if you look. Absolutely beautiful, but hell to knit with.

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